In the warmer months golfers flock to their nearest outdoor course to partake in a few real-life games and put their skills to the test. Golf courses are known for their beautiful green landscapes. Their grass, lakes, and trees stretch for acres, making for peaceful, if not challenging rounds of golf. Commercial fencing, for properties like golf courses, has specific purposes, including protection from outsiders. A beautiful golf course is not something you want to make readily open to public traffic. The right fence can serve several practical and decorative functions for a golf course.

The beauty and functionality of a golf course fence is not too unlike that used for ranch fencing. The ranch’s fence in built upon large, expansive landscapes as well. However, on the golf course, it’s setting the boundaries for the sport that are the highest priority. Perimeters must be set for the golfers to know the beginnings and endings of the course. Golf carts and golf cart paths also need to be sectioned off.
Another factor that the golf fencing choice needs to consider is the proximity of residential areas to the course. When the course is adjacent to residences, there should be a fence that will formally separate the properties. On the golf course, there will also be private areas like maintenance areas, dumpsters, and golf cart holding areas. A good fence needs to shield all these things that are visible on the golf course grounds.
Privacy fences can be erected to hide the views of dumpsters or parking lots. These sights can be in direct contradiction with the beauty of nature all throughout the course. Making sure patrons are able to avoid unattractive views will make for a much more pleasant golfing experience. This prevention will probably make them more likely to repeat visit. It’s not only the view of the outside world that could be distracting, but also the world within the course.
A 6 feet tall privacy fence should be suitable for shielding any unsightly areas on the property. For these types of fences there are a variety of designs and materials to choose from. Vinyl would probably be the best style of material to use, because of its versatility and look. But wood can be just as useful. Either look is easy to complement the course’s surroundings.
A security fence should be chain-linked, typically with barbed wire along its top. But this fence should also be used sparingly and strategically. Their look is very unattractive in light of the rest of the property. Carefully choosing the parts of the property that need to be secured by this fencing is a good idea. There are still ways to make the security fencing more attractive though, by using pleasant colors and coating.
Many different types of fences can suit designers’ preferences. Courses can even require several different types, for which there are different practical applications. Choosing the right professional to advice and assist with your golf course fence construction will make all the difference. Diversified Fence Builders, Inc. is ready to provide you with any fence you need. Contact us today, at (336) 510-5561.
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