
Wood is cheaper in the short term and vinyl is cheaper in the long term. However, if you factor in the long-term maintenance required to get a useful life out of your wood fence then vinyl would be the cheaper option. Costs required to stain/steal the fence adds additional cost and must be done every 3-5 years. You must consider what type of investment you are willing to make and how long you think they will own the property. Additionally, are you willing and able to do more maintenance on your fence or do you want something that is more carefree? 

Wood will eventually give way to the elements in warping and cracking which will require new pickets, post, etc. which will look out of place and not be a perfect match when compared to the weathered look of the existing fence.

Aluminum fences are good for certain dogs and there are aluminum options that are specifically fabricated to cater to certain size and strength of dogs. Aluminum fences do not provide privacy which is good for dogs that like to look outside and monitor their surroundings. However, it also means the dog may see distractions and become more reactive to barking or chasing things. Aluminum comes in a variety of heights, which is important if you have a dog that likes to jump.

For small dogs, aluminum fence panels can be constructed with a puppy picket design that has a smaller space in between pickets at the bottom but does not inhibit sight at the top of the fence. Also, for dogs that are more aggressive there are different grades of aluminum (residential and commercial) that can provide more rigidity as well as a double picket design versus standard picket to give extra peace of mind.

If you want to discuss your options, we are here for you. Give us a call today to receive a free quote!

It is easy and can be done in a matter of minutes!

Use our free online fence estimator and receive your quote instantly. Questions to ask yourself when considering a fence would be: What type of material do I want? What is the approximate length of fence needed? How many gates do I want? What size gates? Do I need to get lawnmowers or other large items in and outside of the proposed perimeter?

Great question! The best question to start with is what is the purpose of your fence? Do you want privacy, security, good looks, pet and child safety, and low maintenance? The two best fences for low maintenance are aluminum fences and vinyl fences. From there you can narrow your search down to how much privacy you would like. If privacy is a top concern, then a 6’ tall vinyl privacy is a great option. If you are looking for something that enhances the look of your yard aluminum should be considered.

We have several different styles, heights and materials of fencing that can be explored. Plus, our fences are American made. Explore our fence panel options and contact us when you’re ready to enhance your yard!

The fence should be a minimum of 54” tall to prevent someone from being able to reach over the fence. Also, for the child’s safety there should be minimal gaps and no horizontal elements close together to make for a ladder for your child to climb on and get over the fence.

Safety is a top concern especially when it comes to making sure your child has a safe place to play. We are happy to provide you with a quote for a child safe outdoor fence. Contact us to receive a free quote.

Two of the best fences for a daycare are a 6’ vinyl privacy fence or a black chain link fence with privacy slats.

A vinyl privacy fence is durable and safe, and it will not splinter or warp making it ideal for environments where children may be playing near the fence. It is also low maintenance and provides privacy so that there is a solid backdrop and kids playing easily stand out. It provides added peace of mind that the children are protected, and no one can reach over the fence. A chain link fence with privacy slats is a more economical option especially if you are trying to fence a large area.

The best doggy daycare fences balance safety, durability, and functionality, ensuring a secure environment for the dogs while being practical for the staff. Privacy vinyl, commercial chain-link, and commercial grade aluminum fences are ideal for their durability and minimal upkeep. 

Short of building a solid brick or stone wall, privacy vinyl is the next best option. Vinyl provides a good balance of both privacy and low-cost maintenance. There are no gaps between panels and is difficult to climb due to its smooth surface. Call us today to discuss your privacy and security fencing options.

A security fence is designed to provide a high level of protection and deter unauthorized access. For a high security fence, focus on height, material strength, design features that prevent climbing, robust gate security (since that is often the easiest point of entry), and anti-digging measures. Incorporate visibility and surveillance features as well as regular maintenance to ensure the fence remains effective over time. The intended application should cause you to consider the following factors: height, material, design features, gate security, and visibility. A commercial grade chain link fence with privacy slats and barbed wire is a great security fence that meets these factors.

When it comes to outdoor privacy fences, you have several options. Call us to discuss these options and what suits your needs in a fence. We can provide you with a free quote and we offer installation services as well.

Whether you need a permit to build a fence depends on several factors including local regulations, the height and location of your fence, and any specific zoning requirements in your area. Items to consider include specific city ordinances, historic districts, corner lots, easements, and HOA requirements.

We take care of our local service areas which include High Point City, Jamestown, Mebane, and Burlington permits.

Vinyl and aluminum offer long lifespans of 20-30 years with minimal maintenance. Choosing the right material based on your specific needs, climate, and maintenance capabilities is important to ensure you get the most durable and long-lasting fence. Vinyl is highly resistant to weathering, rot, and pests. It does not rust or corrode and is easy to maintain. Occasionally cleaning with mild soap and water hose is sufficient. Aluminum is resistant to rust and corrosion, making it suitable for various climates and weather conditions. It is low maintenance, and occasional cleaning is typically needed to remove dirt and grime from lawn mowers.

Fencing Products

No. Plus, our vinyl fence products have a lifetime UV fade warranty.

Our aluminum fence paint is very durable, and it has a baked-on powder-coated finish. We are here to get your order started. Call us to receive your free quote.

The post and rails have a baked-on powder-coated finish, and the wire chain link mesh has a hot-dipped vinyl coating.

Fence Installation

Yes, the fence posts are set in concrete. This is to ensure that your new fence doesn’t move as the ground expands and contracts with weather changes.

If you do not know where your property line is or don’t see any markers in the ground, we strongly suggest that you have a surveyor come out and locate them. If you have a copy of your survey, it may or may not help us locate the corners and a professional surveyor still may be needed.

No, we do not install prefabricated wood panels because they are built poorly and do not last long term.

Trust the professionals! We have crews that have decades of experience. It is not as easy as it looks, and you don’t want a permanent fixture in your yard making your neighbors wonder if it was a DIY project gone wrong. As professionals we have the experience and skills needed to ensure that the fence is built correctly, with proper installation techniques and attention to detail. Experienced crew leaders can handle unexpected issues, such as uneven ground, utilities, or complicated designs that might arise during the installation. We also have specialized tools and equipment that make the job more efficient. If you don’t own these tools, renting or purchasing them can add big expenses to the project. While one might think building a fence yourself can save them money more times than not hiring a professional offers expertise, efficiency, and peace of mind. Plus, after we leave you have a warranty that protects your investment.

No, you cannot install a vinyl fence without digging. The fence post must be 24” deep and secured with concrete to lock in the position of the post. North Carolina does not experience deep frost like the northern states which is typically 12” but digging to the 24” depth helps prevent movement due to expansion and contraction.

If you don’t want to bother with digging and installing your new fence yourself, no problem. We have a team of professional, dedicated installers who can install your vinyl fence for you. Contact us today to receive a free quote. 

Residential chain-link line posts are set more than 10’ apart. First, pull a string line to ensure the fence will be built in a straight line. Then dig the holes 12’’ deep, drive the posts down 12’’ more inches and add concrete. Next, cut the tops of the posts to an appropriate height. Then add top rail to the top of the fence and add the loop caps and brace bands. Now stretch tension wire along the bottom of the fence to ensure the bottom is secure enough to prevent a dog from escaping at the bottom of the fence. Next, stretch the chain-link fabric across the front of the posts and top rail. Finally, install the hook ties to the fabric and hog ring the fabric to the tension wire.

Installing a chain link fence can be time consuming. To save yourself time, effort and back-work, we are here to help you. We provide installation services for all our products. Contact us today to receive a free quote.

All fences are installed with proper planning and preparation. Aluminum in a residential setting is normally installed on 6-foot centers and with 2-inch posts. The posts are set 24” in the ground with a post that has routed holes for the notched rails to slide into and fastened with screws. Posts are checked to ensure they are level, and the line is straight. Posts are secured with concrete to ensure nothing moves with freezing and thawing of the ground. Aluminum fences can be racked up to 30-inches across 6-feet to more closely follow the contour of the ground.

If your yard isn’t completely flat, then installing an aluminum fence can be tricky. We are happy to help you with this project and offer installation services along with providing the fencing panels, posts and hardware. Contact us about our installation services.

Vinyl can be installed on 6-foot or 8-foot centers and has a 5-inch posts. The posts are set 24 inches in the ground with a post that has routed holes for the notched rails that lock into place with a tab. Posts are checked to insure they are level, and the line is straight. Posts are then secured with concrete to prevent movement with the fluctuating temperatures of the ground.

If you need help installing your vinyl fence, we are here for you. We have a dedicated team who can install your vinyl fence for you. Contact us to receive a free, customized quote.

Wood fences are generally installed on 8’ centers. Wood posts are set 24’’ deep in the ground with concrete. First, we pull a stringline to ensure that the fence will be straight, then we set the posts. Once the posts are set then we cut the top of the posts to the appropriate height. Next, we nail up a top, middle, and bottom 2’’x4’’ stringer rail. Finally, we nail on the pickets.

Fence Maintenance

Our aluminum fences come with a limited lifetime warranty. Aluminum does not rust like iron making them ideal for long term outdoor use. Even in coastal environments aluminum remains resistant to corrosion. Aluminum fences are designed to be a long lasting, low maintenance option that can last for multiple decades.

Yes, pressure-treated pine protects against rot and termites, but it does not protect against weathering and warping. You will still need to stain your fence.

Wood fences should be stained approximately every 5-7 years depending on the quality of the stain.

Thompson’s Water Seal will only last a maximum of 2 years whereas good quality stain will last 5-7 years.

Vinyl fences require very low maintenance. Sometimes in a very shaded area, you might develop mildew over time but it can be easily removed with a clean cloth and water.

Services & Orders

Yes! We are here for you and your fencing needs. Installing a fence can be tricky, so rely on us to install your new fence. Contact us to receive your free quote.

Yes, we provide stain service after the wood has dried out and cured. We can provide you with an estimate for stain service. Contact us to receive your free quote.

Yes, we have financing options. View our financing options. We also accept all major credit cards.

Yes! We stand behind our fencing products. View our product warranty.

Please forward all additional questions to our sales team and contact us today, thanks!

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