There are not many things on earth that are more valuable than real estate. Owning property is something that people have been battling over, and fighting wars over for centuries. But, there doesn’t have to be an all out war for there to be contention about your property lines. And you don’t need an army to stand guard along the boundaries of your property either. But there are certain legalities that you should be aware of to help you protect your property line.
A common occurrence with residential properties is that the exact ownership of land comes under dispute. Sometimes the actual division of land is murky, because one property owner may have built upon or consistently used another’s property for a number of years. They may have even done it with the other property owner’s permission. But as time goes by, they both either accept or ignore the adjusted property line. Whatever the circumstances are, the legal ownership can transfer.
Little discrepancies can turn into major property feuds from a simple misunderstanding. Each side usually feels justified in their opinion so taking these issues to court is the only way to settle the dispute. To avoid any further disputes over property that may arise, all landowners should write up and sign documentation to make sure everyone understands what’s happening. That has got to be the number one issue, in that people do a lot of assuming. Not only do they assume their own rights are being protected, but also they assume that the other party doesn’t have rights that they do have.
There should be some investigation and documentation that clearly defines what the property lines are. Each neighbor should have the same information. This is a step that’s usually not done, because previous owners have already installed a fence. The fence may lead people to believe that it represents the actual property lines. But in order to protect your property lines, you should know exactly, not assume, what the boundaries are.

So ultimately, it’s a legal matter of whether you or your neighbor owns the property. The only way to make sure you remain in possession of the disputed property is through legal recourse. In the same way that you have ownership to any other type of property, like a vehicle with a distinctive VIN number, the land that you live on has pre-determined property lines. This lets all parties know where the rightful owner’s property begins and ends. Make sure you are in the know. Contact the authorities, and have the land professionally inspected to make sure all fences, trees, and personal property are set according to the right measurements.
The biggest hassle is that the truth of the ownership can legally change without people knowing or understanding. Communication between neighbors and an informative meeting with city planners can clear up discrepancies before the courts are involved. Protect your land by constantly inquiring with authorities about how to make sure your land is not being encroached upon.
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