One of the biggest challenges when building a fence is dealing with slopes. Before planning and purchasing fence materials, it is imperative to be conscious of reasons such as what the function of the fence is; the best style to accomplish the function, landscaping, and the architecture of the home.

Vinyl fencing has become popular over the years mainly because it lasts longer and requires almost no maintenance. Start of by planning the location of the fence carefully. However, you will need to meet with neighbors to discuss any fencing plans that may affect them. Check local zoning laws, which may regulate the size and placement of your fence.
While in the process of laying out the fence, use graph paper to make visibility easier. Make provisions for widths of the fence panels and gates in order to avoid odd-sized bays. Make sure that you stake out any and all fence linings. Installing a vinyl fence on a slope does require the use of the step method: the fence progressively steps up the slop so that each bay section is the same length, and the rails are level to the slope. Accurate horizontal measurements will be needed for post placement. Tie a string tightly between corner post locations in order to determine post placements. To locate the placement of the stake, a 2-by-4 can be used to extend from the proper tape measurement to the ground. Measuring method should continue for the rest of the slope until the ground levels out. Ten inch diameter holes can be dug up with a power auger for gravel backfill. Use appropriate gravel and concrete fills.
Check your counties and city ordinances prior to dealing with the project. Focus on a successful results based on the accomplishments; after all, fences do provide aesthetic value.
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