While Diversified Fence Builders, Inc., will do everything we can to help you create and install the exact fence you want for your property, many states, cities, and neighborhoods have regulations and restrictions regarding fencing. Designed to keep communities safe, attractive, and welcoming to everyone, these rules can regulate the materials used to build your fence, its height, and other considerations.
Below is a summary of fencing regulations in Greensboro, North Carolina, our home base. These may vary from town to town and should be available on your city's website. Please keep these in mind and understand that we may not be able to meet your every request if they violate these regulations.
Greensboro Fence Regulations
- Fences must be constructed from these materials:
- Masonry or stone
- Wood
- Chain link or woven wire
- Plastic or vinyl
- Metal
- Some materials similar to the above are also acceptable.
- Certain types of fences are strictly forbidden in some specific areas. The following are not allowed in residential areas:
- Barbed or razor wire fences
- Electrical current fences
- Fences made of readily flammable material (paper, cloth, etc.)
- Barbed or razor wire and electrical current fences are allowed for agricultural purposes, such as enclosing livestock.
- On fences topped with barbed wire, the bottom strand must be at least 6 feet off the ground.
- Low voltage electric fences (maximum 12 volts) are allowed in industrial districts, but they may not exceed 10 feet in height, must be enclosed by a non-electric fence or wall of at least 6 feet, and they must be identified with a warning sign displayed at least once per feet linear feet of fencing.
- Fence heights are regulated. The allowed height depends on the area where the fence is located. Here's a rundown:
- Residential:
- No higher than 4 feet on properties 15 feet or less away from the public or private street.
- If the rear or side yard adjoins a major or minor road with no driveway access, a fence can be no higher than 6 feet within 15 feet from the road. Otherwise, it can be no higher than 7 feet.
- Commercial / Industrial / Institutional / Office
- No fence can be higher than 8 feet unless it is at least 15 feet away from all property lines or complies with principal building setbacks.
- Recreational and Agricultural
- No fence can be higher than 8 feet unless it is at least 15 feet away from all property lines or complies with principal building setbacks.
- A fence may not be higher than 12 feet unless it is part of a tennis court, driving range, or other sports facility.
- Columns or fence posts cannot be greater than 18 inches above the height of the fence or wall. They must also be separated by at least 4 feet, except at gates.
- Fences cannot be placed where they will obstruct sight at an intersection of streets, driveways, or private drives.
- Fences cannot block access to doors or windows and must be set at least 2 feet from building walls except in places where the fence projects from the building.
- Fences cannot alter or impede the flow of water in a stream, creek, ditch, or drainage swale.
- In historic districts, fences must meet the specific guidelines of that district.
- In required planting yards, fences are subject to review as part of the landscaping plan.
- Fences must be maintained in a safe matter.

We Can Help You Build the Fence You Need While Complying with Regulations
Diversified Fence Builders, Inc., has been creating, installing, and repairing fences since 2004, and our expert team is familiar with the rules and regulations of the communities we serve through the Piedmont Triad (Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point) and beyond. Familiarizing yourself with these regulations can help ensure that we can work together to build a high- quality fence that meets your needs and complies with your community's regulations.
To discuss your fencing project, send us a message or give us a call at (336) 510-5561.
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