There are many ways to enhance the looks of an elementary school’s property. The halls and classrooms inside are usually decorated with colorful illustrations and creative teaching tools. However, the outside of the school is often under decorated. The lack of decoration, or the wrong decoration, can leave an unpleasant impression with all children and visitors. The outside doesn’t need to be plastered with balloons and streamers, but the best way is to start with the gates or fences. Every elementary school should have them.
Ivy Chain Link Fence
Any chain link fence can be improved by being covered with greenery, such as ivy. The draped ivy quickly turns the fence into a totally new boundary. It’ll actually make the fence appear to be an entire wall of ivy. Not only would this decorated wall be a more pleasant alternative, but also privacy would be increased. The way it covers the holes of a chain link fence keeps the eyes of strangers blocked from seeing the children. When other types of fences are used, a major concern is shielding the students from public view. Not to mention, the greenery makes everything around the school or block more beautiful. Other types of fences can give an elementary school an institutional feel. Solid wood structures can also breed vandalism in the wrong areas. Lacing any other wall types with ivy just does not work as effectively. But ivy over a chain link fence is a good option.
Art on Picket Fence
A white picket fence is not just meant for a home, especially when it can be used to create a piece of art for the school. The children can take some of the art class ideas from the classroom, and apply them to the picket fence. Some of those ideas are the hand painting collages. Since it’s going to go on a large fence, the painting project will have to be much larger in scale. Take a stencil or imprint of whatever images best represent your school or children. This should probably be a concept conceived by the art teacher, with the approval of the principal. Place the very large stencil on the fence, and allow the students to color it only using their palms. Be sure not to flood the space with paint, because it will not be recognizable as handprints. There’s a vast array of colors that can be used in any way you see fit. Maybe just the school colors could be used, or even a rainbow effect.
Colored Chain Link Fence
There are different colors that chain link fences come in. But they probably don’t come in the number of creative ways that you can come up with. There can be themes that you might want to have your fence specially design in. For instance, schools always have American flags hanging throughout. A red, white, and blue theme could be a very nice color scheme for a fence. Some chain link fences, and many metal gates have sharp points along their top border. While this is usually for protection, it’s not a very attractive feature. Attaching, hanging, or wrapping a plastic materials that run along the top border of the gate is not only better aesthetically, but it will maintain its ability to protect.
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